2-Year Warranty for Cool-Fun RV Cooling Units

At Cool-Fun RV Cooling Units, we stand behind our products, and we want you to have confidence in our solutions. Let’s learn about our two-year warranty.

cool fun rv warranty

Cool Fun RV Warranty

We are industry experts in selling and repairing re-manufactured cooling units for Norcold and Dometic RV Refrigerators. All our cooling units include a free two-year warranty and a five-year warranty against leaks in the evaporator.


Along with the RV industry, the cooling unit business continuously changes as technology evolves. More than ever in the history of RVs, consumers are replacing the cooling units in their RV refrigerators with re-manufactured cooling units rather than going for a new refrigerator.

Why a Re-Manufactured RV Cooling Unit Makes More Sense

The advantage of purchasing a re-manufactured cooling unit compared to a new refrigerator can’t be over-stressed.

Some people think that RV refrigerators can’t be repaired. The truth is that RV refrigerators can be restored. But in reality, RV service centers figured they could make more profit selling their customer’s new cooling units rather than re-manufactured ones.

Re-manufactured cooling units are rebuilt with thicker tubing and re-designed to last, helping save customers a lot of money.

Here at Cool-Fun, we have been re-manufacturing RV Cooling units for over 50 years and are pioneers in this niche. We implore you to browse our website and see that Cool-Fun is setting new standards for rebuilding and re-manufacturing RV cooling units.

Cool-Fun is a Pioneer of Re-manufactured RV Cooling Units

We are glad to inform you that Cool-Fun is one of the names in the industry that has made a big difference in the re-manufacturing of RV cooling units. We have taken time and effort and put a lot of expertise into designing and testing RV cooling units. And it has been well worth it.

We proudly give a standard two-year warranty on all re-manufactured cooling units. In addition, you can take advantage of our very flexible shipping policy that enables us to ship RV cooling units nationwide and to many parts of the world. So you will always be within our reach if you are a dealer or do-it-yourselfer.

If you have any questions about re-manufactured cooling units or RV refrigerators, feel free to contact us; we will be glad to help!

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